Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bypass Work Starting at 5 AM Hard on Family Sleep

Well, twice in the last two weeks we've had bypass work going past, or in front of our house at 5 in the morning.  Two weeks ago it was backup alarms and loading an excavator at 5.  I went out and talked to the driver and he told me he had permits to start that early.  Yesterday it was haul trucks.  Fun stuff.

I sleep through anything but yesterday was the first day my wife tearfully told me she regretted us buying this house last August. True it was just after I'd yelled at a haul truck to slow down and he's slid to a stop glaring at me trying to decide if he'd get out and attack me.  I was hoping he would.  It would really show the attitude these projects have towards our neighborhood.

Our realtor had said, "Oh, they've been talking about a bypass for 30 years, it'll never happen" last July when we first looked at the house.  Construction started the next week.  Fun stuff.

The city of Dundee ordinances say construction noise can begin at 7 AM weekdays and 9 AM on weekends (section 8.28 Noise). The Bypass crosses through City limits on Edwards and the hauling yesterday was from a site in town to a site in town.

Here's video of the 5 AM work -