Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Property Damage to Our Property by Bypass, Complete Disregard of Residents of Dundee

Here's more fun with the Newberg-Dundee Bypass project.  I had to send this tonight to the Police, City and ODOT -
Dear Police Chief Casey as well as City of Dundee & ODOT leadership.

Tonight I came home to our entire front yard and my driveway striped 25 feet from the edge of pavement of Parks DR.  Please see pictures.  This is in complete disregard of the No Trespassing sign I have posted on the front yard.  Police Chief Casey, I'd greatly appreciate if you could send someone out and review whether this is vandalism especially since they painted my driveway (see pictures).

What blows me even farther away  is that someone would do this without talking to us.  You were 10 feet outside our front door!  How do you think that makes my family feel about their safety to have some strange man wandering around in front of our house?!  I believe that without talking to us first about whatever it is causing you to paint our yard, you even put your own man at some risk.  This painting is well beyond what a normal person would consider the Right of Way for a city.

In the below picture the paint is where my measuring tape handle is at

When this occurred earlier this year, both ODOT and the city disavowed any knowledge of this prompting me to put up the No Trespassing sign because no one could man up and tell us what's planned for our front yard.  This shows further complete disregard for the neighborhood/residents of Dundee by the Bypass project.

Would someone please let us know what is going on and why you feel the need to paint our yard?  We do live here and take some pride in our home!!  It is the biggest purchase of our life, and we are there everyday.

And if there's some grand plan to take out the intersection of Parks and Edwards and smooth the road through our yard, I will fight it and get all of the neighbors to fight it.  We already hate how fast traffic is and facilitating even faster flow seems very wrong and I'm sure all the neighbors will agree!!  As I write this there's a little girl walking in the road out the front window in the middle of that corner.  Is that really where you want future "bypassers" (because it will still happen) flowing even faster?!

Please, let us know what is going on and treat us like we live here, not like we're an inconvenience to your project.

Isaiah and Kellie Cox

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